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Thai Amaryllidaceae
Crinum thaianum
Family: AmaryllidaceaeGenus: Crinum
4. Crinum thaianum J. Schulze, Pl. Life 27: 127. 1971. Type: J. Schulze 1007 (holotype: US). [1]
Herbs perennial, aquatic. Bulbs ovoid 2-7 cm in diam. Leaves linear 60–150 cm long, 1–1.5 cm broad, tapering to the epex, not grooved along midvein; margin entire; apex acute. Umbel axillary, 5–7-flowered; peduncle subterete or flat, 20–60 cm long; spathes 2, triangular, membranous, 5–6 cm long, 1.5–2 cm broad; bracteoles 5–8, linear, 3–5 cm long 1–3 mm broad. Flowers white, fragrant, sessile. Perianth salverform; tube greenish white, straight, 8–11 cm long, ca. 5 mm in diam.; lobes white, reflexed, linear-lanceolate, 5–8 cm long, 0.3–0.6 cm broad; apex acuminate. Stamens 6 addnate at base of the perianth lobes; filament reddish purple, 5–7 cm long, erect; anther linear, 1.2–1.5 cm long, versatile. Ovary fusiform; ovules 1–3 per locule; style 12–15 cm long. Capsule ovoid or ellipsoid, 2–3 cm in diam; pericarp membranous. Seeds irregular 3-5.
Thailand.— PENINSULAR: Ranong, Phangnga.
Distribution.— Endemic.
Ecology.— Submerged in stream in evergreen forest, alt. 10-100 m., cultivated as an aquarium plant.
Vernacular.— Plab Plueg Than (พลับพลึงธาร).
Specimens examined.— R. Geesink, P. Hiepko & C. Phengklai 7606 (BKF); A.F.G. Kerr 16838 (BK, K); C. Niyomdham 1256 (BKF, K); R. Pooma, V. Chaemchumroon, N. Koonkhunthod & P. Chantaboon 3721 (BKF); T. Santisuk 675 (BKF), 803 (BKF); Th. Sørensen, K. Larsen & B. Hansen 824 (BKF); P. Suksathan 2479 (QBG).
- J. Schulze, “Crinum thaianum J. Schulze, A new aquatic species from Southeast Asia”, Pl. Life, vol. 28, pp. 33–42, 1972.