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Thai Amaryllidaceae
Crinum asiaticum
Family: AmaryllidaceaeGenus: Crinum
1. Crinum asiaticum L., Sp. Pl.: 292. 1753.
Type: India, Malabar Coast (LINN???).
C. amabile Donn, Hort. Cantabr. ed. 6: 83. 1811. Type: Sumatra, Hort. Kew
C. northaianum Baker, Gard. Cron. 1: 671. 1882. Type: Borneo, Sarawak, North 424 (not located).
Herbs perennial, to 2 m high. Bulbs narrowly cylindric; aerial stem solid, 30–100 cm high. Leaves linear-lanceolate, oblong to narrowly elliptic, 60–150 cm long, 7–12 cm broad, grooved along midvein; margin undulate; apex acuminate, sharply pointed. Umbel axillary, 10–35-flowered; peduncle subterete or slightly flat, 30–60 cm long; spathes 2, lanceolate or triangular, membranous, 5–10 cm long; bracteoles 7–15, linear, 3–8 cm long 5–10 mm broad. Flowers white, fragrant at night; pedicel 0.5–2.5 cm long. Perianth salverform; tube greenish white, straight, 7–10 cm long, ca. 5 mm in diam.; lobes white, recurved, linear, 4.5–9 cm long, 0.6–0.9 cm broad; apex acuminate. Stamens pink or reddish purple; filament 4–6 cm long; anther linear, 2–3.5 cm long, versatile. Ovary fusiform; ovules 1–5 per locule; style 10–15 cm long. Capsule subglobose, 2–4 cm in diam., pericarp thick. Seeds often 3, globose or sometimes angular.
Thailand.— SOUTH-WESTERN: Prachuap Khiri Khan; CENTRAL: Saraburi; SOUTH-EASTERN: Chon Buri, Trat; PENINSULAR: Ranong, Phuket, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Satun, Narathiwat.
Distribution.— Mascarenes, tropical and subtropical Asia to south-western Pacific.
Ecology.— Lowland evergreen forest, along streams, or near beach, alt. 0-100 m, commonly cultivated as ornamental plant throughout the country.
Vernacular.— Plab Plueg (พลับพลึง).
Specimens examined.— A.F.G. Kerr 4310 (K), 9223 (BK, P, K), 20496 (BK, K); J.F. Maxwell 74-508 (BK), s.n. (BK); J.F. Maxwell, S. Suttajit, W. Pannavalee & P. Tantipathananandh 73 (CMU); C. Niyomdham 736 (BKF); C. Phengklai 156 (BKF); C. Phengklai et al. 13097 (BKF); Sanan 231 (BKF); T. Smitinand 6153 (BKF, K); C.F. van Beusekom & C. Phengklai 681 (E, K, P); S.N. 5798 (BK).